Tuesday, December 28, 2010

truth behind the mask #6

Pursuant to the 1st Amendment:
"Dont wanna be an american Idiot, one nation controlled by the media"
228 Fed Red 3D Series  ..."Courts may enjoin illigal activity without running a foul of the constitution."
A Critical thinking society is a people not easily effected by fabricated. bias media designed propeganda. Draw your own verdict.
www.blogs.dallasobserver.com/unfairpark/2010/05/hacker_known_as_ghostexodus)wh.php "who hacked into 14 computers... intended to shut it down, shut it all down." - Internesting enough, the media doesnt clarify much on the malicious code, which went from RXbotnet, to logmein.com, and teamviewer.com and Cain & Able, (a network traffic sniffer). For those of you who understand networking, we know that teamviewer is not an Ip based application, and can not be accessed remotely when it is protected behind a firewall. Only interal LAN access at that point. In the forensic evidence, the HVAC was also hacked even before my employment, this redundancy system with absolutely no password what so ever; the forensic analysis shows me checking my myspace, googling, gmail, downloading ophcrack vista and burning it to cd with daemon tools. And not a single computer there to my knowledge and based on the evidence was/is running Vista. Also, a keylogger was placed on the system which captured all MY logins. Yes, its in the evidence. Why would I install Cain and Able to sniff the network for activity passing through the network, when I was the only active person on the network? I would only be capturing my own data packets. So lets talk about Logmein (LMI). These logs show 27 unauthorized individuals from all over the world accessing my LMI account, and also the feds pulled logs from GOOGLE that showed my gmial and The Fixer's gmail account as compromised. Who are these 27 different people? The FBI refused to investigate, and my prosecutor refused to prosecute. (Selective Prosecution, goolg me.) The feds and I knew that none of these people were ETA members, but they wanted to make a story, and so they did. I refused their 5k.1 deal (to snitch on innocent people) so my attorney at the time, John M. Nicholson calls my wife on the phone going against my wishes and behind my back to try to gain information from her to score points for the prosecution. I tried to fire him, and two days later I was given a 14 count superceding indictment. interesting... On page 6 of the affadavidt, you see XxxImmortalxxX providing information to CW-1 (Robert Wesley McGrew)
On www.securityprivacyandthelaw.com/tags/electronik-tribulation-army-/ you find: "Immortal appears to have burned McGraw/GhostExodus" and "Thanks are owed to mr. McGrew and Immortal for writing in to clarify the cast of charactars involved in this incident." You identify their collaboration. Immortal, an infiltrator from the group ANONYMOUS and Robert McGrew who also collaborates with ANONYMOUS even on his own website, has not been entirely honest about his identity and personal involvement in this case, but interesting enough has a history of deception and subjecting his "competitors" to public ridicule and contempt. I speak primarily of Yousif Yalda from http://www.vapt.sec.com/., who tried to confide in Mr. McGrew on a "business leve", which McGrew defamed him, causing a loss of vapt-sec's revenue and reputation, and even gained unauthorized access to Yousif's own personal computer, taking a screen shot of it and pasted it on http://www.mcgrewsecurity.com/.
Check out: www.mcgrewsecurity.com/2008/03/26/the-strange-case-of-yousif-yalda/
McGrew even had Anonymous dox/profile Yousif on his own website, exposing yousif to public hatred. This was also done to myself, dev//null and the fixer. You see, McGrew is not promoting security awareness merely, he's simply marketing himself by destroying reputations, fabricating stories, by holding lectures about me as Mississippi State Univerty (CS4243/6243)
The devil is in the details. Heres some more:

1 comment:

  1. Actually thats not exactly how my dox were dropped, but who gives a rats ass, its all the same shit. I dumped my own dox on mcgrews site before he knew who I was, Ass.
